Message from the President
Greetings! August is an exciting time of year for all of us as it is the start of a new academic year. We are all eager to inspire our students. Many K-12 educators will be looking for enriching science experiences for their students, so please consider joining the KAS Speakers Bureau, if you have not already done so. You can sign up on our new member website:
It is also a good time to starting thinking about the next KAS Annual Meeting. Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, KY is hosting the meeting this November 2-3. Vice President Leslie North, her colleagues at WKU, Amanda Fuller, and Melony Stambaugh are hard at work planning what will be an awesome meeting. One of the top events will be a visit to the National Corvette Museum and their new science exhibit “Corvette Cave-In: The Skydome Sinkhole Experience” which examines the science behind the sink-hole that swallowed eight Corvettes on February 12, 2014 and the subsequent interdisciplinary project to recover these cars and repair the damage. Of course, there will be a lot of good science at the meeting during the rest of the weekend. Please plan to join us!
We are exploring methods to increase communication with membership. In addition to our website, emails from our Executive Director, and the Newsletter, we will be examining the use of social media such as Instagram, so please stay tuned. We do have our very own KAS app for smartphones that you can download from the KAS meeting website. We will be using it during the meeting to announce changes and disseminate information, so please consider downloading the KAS app when you register for the meeting this fall.
In other news, now is the time to start thinking about what you can do for KAS. If you are interested in taking a leadership role, KAS annual elections occur this fall. We have a full ballot for the Physical and Social Sciences Division Representatives which is great. Thank you for those of you who have responded. Those positions do have a four year term..
However, as of now we still need candidates for the position of Vice President. Please consider running as Vice President. I can speak from experience that the work load, while not nominal, is in no way overbearing! I have had a great experience serving as VP, President- Elect, and President.
Please consider running as Vice President!
Descriptions of the positions are available at . If you are interested in nominating yourself or a colleague, please contact me as soon as possible (
All the best for the new academic year,
Jennifer Birriel
Run for the Board
The following positions are open on the KAS Governing board
- Vice President
- 2 Social Sciences Representatives
- 1 Physical Sciences Representative
These positions are 4- year terms.
Officers' and Board members responsibilities are outlined in the KAS Bylaws.
Governing Board meetings are quarterly, with summer and winter meetings typically being held by conference call. The current KAS Governing Board roster is available HERE
KAS members interested in nominating colleagues for these vacant positions (or individuals willing to volunteer to be placed on the ballot) should provide name, e-mail address/phone number for each candidate, and indicate the leadership position of interest. We will need a 300 word bio to include on the ballot (which we can request from third-party nominated candidates). We require at least two candidates for the ballot for each position and we appreciate our members' assistance in identifying willing candidates for these vacancies.
Any member may nominate another qualified member for Governing Board service.
Please send nomination s to KAS President Jennifer Birriel.
Registration & Abstract Submission is open for the Annual Meeting
KAS Member Videos & Podcasts
Listen to 'Bench Talk: The Week in Science'
Announcing a new radio show about science in Louisville, KY: ‘Bench Talk: The Week in Science’. Would you like to hear about the latest scientific research or keep up with important issues related to STEM education or policy? Tune into WFMP-LP, 106.5 FM (Forward Radio) every Monday at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday at 11:30 a.m., or Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. If you happen to miss a show, or live outside the Louisville area, you can hear it live-streamed (or on a SoundCloud recording) at
Volunteers Wanted:
Interested in communicating to the public about science? Want to learn how to be a radio broadcaster? Be a member of the ‘Bench Talk: The Week in Science’ team! We are producing a radio show (WFMP-LP; 106.5 FM; that is trying to bring science to the public. The radio show is broadcast from a low-power radio station in Louisville, KY, but is live-streamed on the internet, and archived on SoundCloud. We are looking for STEM professionals who are willing to record short vignettes for broadcast on the show. You could describe the latest scientific publication, or discuss a timely science-policy issue. The show is taped ahead of time so you can work at your own pace. For more information contact Dr. Dave Robinson, |
KAS Annual Meeting Nov 2-3 at Western Kentucky University
Registration and Abstract Submission is now open
Early Registration and Abstract Submission Deadline is Oct 1
Join KAS at Western Kentucky University on November 2-3 for:
New this year! Early bird incentive: Payments will be due by Wednesday October 24 or you will be assessed a $25 surcharge to register or pay on site. Eschew the queue and pay before it's due!
If you register Before Oct 1:
Students $35
Professionals $60
Non-members $85
After Oct 1:
Students $40
Professionals $70
Non-members $95
Tentative Schedule and more Details here
KBRIN workshop NIH Grant writing workshop Nov 17
KBRIN NIH R15 Grant Writing Workshop
Saturday, November 17th, 2018
University of Louisville
Health Sciences Campus
Clinical Translational Research Building (CTR), Room 124
The Kentucky Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network (KBRIN) will again offer an intensive workshop on the development of National Institutes of Health (NIH) R15-Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) proposals. AREA grants are specifically designed to support research projects (three years- $300,000) in the biomedical and behavioral sciences conducted by faculty and students in colleges/universities and health professional schools that have not received more than $6 million in NIH research grants in four of the last seven fiscal years. Thus, faculty at nearly all colleges/universities in Kentucky are eligible.
The three main goals of the AREA program are: (1) to support meritorious research; (2) to strengthen the research environment of the institution; and (3) to expose students to research.
The workshop will be led by faculty and professional proposal development staff at KBRIN institutions that have been successful in competing for AREA grants. The morning session is designed for faculty with little or no NIH grant writing experience, whereas the afternoon session is designed to enhance the competitiveness of faculty with some NIH grant writing experience. Depending upon level of experience with the NIH, registrations will be accepted for the either the full day workshop or the afternoon session only.
Past attendees at this workshop have been successful in obtaining NIH funding and this workshop is required to be eligible for KBRIN research grants (see
The morning workshop will begin at 8:30 am EST and the afternoon session will begin at 1:00 pm EST. Lunch will be provided at noon.
The workshop is free and open to interested faculty at all Kentucky public and private institutions.
As space is limited, please register online by Monday November 5th at:
Registration deadline is Monday, November 5th.
For registration information contact, Ms. Whitney Rogers, KBRIN UBM at or 502-852-3045
For additional workshop information, contact Dr. Nigel Cooper, KBRIN PI (, Dr. Martha Bickford (, or Dr. Bruce Mattingly, KBRIN program coordinator (
This workshop is sponsored by the Kentucky Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network (KBRIN), which is supported by a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (8 P20 GM103436) from the National Institutes of Health.
Visual Sciences Retreat at University of Louisville
The second annual University of Louisville, Visual Sciences Retreat (VSR) will be held from 11:30 am – 5:00 pm on Wednesday, September 26 2018 in the Clinical Translational Research Building, 505 S Hancock St, Louisville, KY 40202. The VSR will highlight the research topics being explored by the Vision Scientists and Clinicians at UofL as well as the resources present in our vision science community. A keynote address will be given by Joseph Besharse, PhD, Director of Research and Professor of Ophthalmology at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
The retreat also serves as the kickoff for the monthly Vision Sciences Center seminars held at the Kentucky Lions Eye Center, 301 E. Muhammad Ali Blvd., Louisville, KY 40202 at 4:00 pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
For more information or to be added to the notice distribution list please contact Erin Moody via email at
Goldwater Scholarship announcement
Students interested in research careers in the natural sciences, mathematics, or engineering are invited to apply to the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program.
Established by Congress in 1986, the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation operates an educational scholarship program designed to provide opportunities for outstanding U.S. students with excellent academic records and demonstrated interest in, and potential for, research careers in the natural sciences, mathematics, and engineering.
In the spring 2019, the Goldwater Foundation will award scholarships to students who will be college juniors or seniors during the 2019-2020 academic year. In order to be considered for an award, students must be nominated by their institution. The nomination period for the 2019 competition opens in September 2018 on the first Tuesday after Labor Day. The submission deadline for all 2019 nominations is by 5:00 p.m., central time, on the last Friday in January 2019. Applications and supporting documents must be submitted electronically from the Foundation’s website at
The scholarship award covers eligible expenses up to a maximum of $7,500 per year. Scholarship recipients nominated as sophomores can expect to receive a maximum of two years of support. Scholarship recipients nominated as juniors are eligible for a maximum of one year of support.
To be eligible, a student must be a current full-time sophomore or junior, who is or intends to pursue a baccalaureate degree, has one or two years of full-time undergraduate study remaining, has a B average or equivalent, and is a U.S. citizen, permanent or U.S. national, who will pursue a research career in the natural sciences, mathematics, or engineering.
Find out more
NASA Kentucky Space Grant Consortium
The NASA Kentucky Space Grant Consortium is a NASA Higher Education program supporting student fellowships and internships, research initiation, and workforce development in STEM areas of interest to NASA and Kentucky. Space Grant promotes networking and cooperation among education, industry, and local, state, and Federal government. Recruitment and training of US citizens, especially women, underrepresented minorities and persons with disabilities, for careers in aerospace science and technology is a national priority. The NASA Kentucky Space Grant Consortium supports Kentucky faculty, students, and outreach through award programs in this RFP that address the national interests of NASA and the state needs of Kentucky.
Request for Proposals: NASA Kentucky invites proposal submissions from Kentucky Space Grant Consortium affiliates for the following:
· Graduate Fellowship (GF),
· Undergraduate Fellowship (UF),
· Team Fellowship (TF),
- Research Initiation (RIA),
- Mini-Grant (MG), and
- Enhanced Mini-Grant (EMG) awards.
October 4, 2018
Jacob Owen
Nominate someone for the Excellence in Science Outreach & Education Award
The KAS Excellence in Science Education & Outreach Award provides recognition for unique activities, educational programs, or approaches that have increased the involvement, engagement, and sustainability of science in the Commonwealth. The annual award is open to individual KAS members or groups of KAS members (e.g. from the same institution/organizations or various institutions/organizations who are KAS members and have worked together collaboratively on Education and Public Outreach initiatives).
Watch a video from Kate Bulinski, our 2017 winner
Find out more about this award and how to nominate someone
Please send nominations to Frank Ettensohn
KAS Introduces NEW Grant Program
KAS Research Grant Applications are now open and you'll notice a new category there in 2018. In addition to our research grants, we're delighted to be opening a new category for Education & Outreach activities. This grant supports KAS members developing & distributing science education materials & programming.
KAS Research grant programs include
- Marcia Athey & Botany grants for physical, biological, behavioral, or engineering sciences;
- Special Research Grants (directed particularly to faculty in Kentucky higher education institutions, public or private, involved primarily in undergraduate education)
- Undergraduate summer research and research supplies grants
- Athey Education & Outreach grant
Find full descriptions of all the KAS grant programs HERE. Applications for all grant programs are due November 15.
Call for Grant Reviewers
If you would like to review grant proposals, (and you're not involved in any submitted projects this year) please log in and look at the bottom of your Member Menu. Click on Proposal Review to find the call for grant reviewers. Thank you!
KAS Photo Contest is back for 2018!
 Will you be attending our 2018 Annual Meeting on November 2nd & 3rd? Would you like to win a $50 gift card ? All you have to do is take pictures before or during the annual meeting that capture the awesomeness of Kentucky scientists and post them on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter with the tag #TheSpiritOfKAS. At the end of the meeting, we will choose the winning picture. The photographer will win a gift card AND will be featured on all our website and social media sites! Head over to our website at for more details on the competition.
KAS members win research funding
July 25, 2018 -Researchers at WKU have won a grant for research project entitled “ Bingocize: A Novel Mobile Application to Help Maintain or Improve Older Adults’ Health, Function, and Cognition.” Bingocize is an evidence-based health promotion program that combines exercise and the game of Bingo, to improve the quality of life for nursing home residents.
August 1, 2018 - Odom and Brushett (MIT) Groups Receive NSF funding to study High -Concentration Redox Solutions.
The Odom and Brushett groups were awarded $448K (Award Numbers 1805566 and 1805103) to address fundamental research to support the design of electrolytes for non-aqueous RFBs with high energy density, better stability, and acceptable fluid flow properties. This collaborative research project titled "Collaborative Research: Establishing Design Principles for Molecular Engineering of High Concentration Redox Electrolytes" focuses on the development of soluble and stable redox active molecules, based on substituted phenothiazines, as a platform chemistry for characterizing physical and electrochemical properties of solutions containing high concentrations of redox active materials and supporting salts in organic electrolytes - referred to as "redox electrolytes" - for use in nonaqueous flow batteries. The major scientific outcome of this research will be fundamental understanding of the role of chemical structure and surrounding electrolytes on the performance and durability of redox active organic materials at high concentrations in aprotic organic electrolytes. Further, new electrochemical methods will be developed to enable unambiguous characterization of concentrated nonaqueous redox electrolytes.
News from the Kentucky Science Center
Eat Drink Do Science at the Kentucky Science Center
We here at Kentucky Science Center are thrilled to announce an entirely new program plan for the 2018/2019 school year and beyond. Previously, we independently hosted a monthly science dialogue series (Scientific Proofs), thematic Science Celebrations for school and public audiences, and irregularly scheduled Adult Series events for a 21+ crowd. Now, all three of these programs will be the 2nd Friday and Saturday each month:
Second Fridays from 6:30-9:30pm-- we’re now looking for presenters to share “walk-up” style programs.
October 12- Lost in Space- space science content (w/ a 9:00 screening of 2001: A Space Odyssey)
November 9- S.T.E.A.M. Engine- maker movement content (w/ a 9:00 screening of Home Alone)
December 14- Enter the Matrix- wearable tech, virtual reality, and coding content (w/ a 9:00 screening of The Matrix, of course)
More Volunteer Opportunities in Science Outreach
We are looking for expert science presenters at all levels now through the calendar year:
Science Celebrations- Thematic in-gallery opportunities to share quick and easily repeatable “walk-up” style content with field trip audiences on Fridays, Adults 21+ on Friday Nights, and families of all ages on Saturdays.
October 12& 13- Chemistry Days. The 2018 theme from the American Chemical Society is “Space.”
November 9 &10- Advanced Manufacturing Days. Content can include industrial processes, advanced materials research, and robotics.
December 14 & 15- Coding Days. Content here can include computers, wearable tech, virtual reality, and of course, coding
Scientific Proofs- previously held on a monthly basis at Mellow Mushroom, this series is moving back to Kentucky Science Center as a component of Eat, Drink, Do Science at all the above-mentioned dates. To hope here is to create a high-content enclave within a more casual in-gallery event. Presentations in our Tech Forum may include a 1-hr talk or multiple shorter presentations throughout the 3-hour event.
Not interested in presenting? Help out in some other way. Other volunteer tasks are available for September Eat Drink Do Science, here!
Other Programs include our STEMinar Teen Science Café (openings available starting in November), and many other offsite programs. There’s always something going on at Kentucky Science Center, so drop us a line if you are interested in sharing what you do with our audiences!
Future S.T.E.M. Professionals Summits
September 22 Bowling Green.
Specifically seeking female professional scientists for “Business Snapshot” presentations:
On Saturday September 22, KSC is hosting a Future S.T.E.M. Professionals Summit specifically for girls in the Bowling Green area: . This is for a broad range of girls in grades 4-12, and includes a track specifically for adults.
The “Business Snapshots” portion of the program seeks female professionals to engage with the tracks of girls for approx. 15 minutes.
Presenters can talk, show a PowerPoint, host a hands-on activity, etc. Slots are available at 9:45-10:40, 10:45-11:40, and 1:00-2:00. Please specify availability and preferred age (Elementary, Middle, or High) and confirmations will be made no later than a week before the event. Email Andrew Spence for more information.
October 26- NKU High School STEM+H Day
Organizers are seeking scientists to present about their work for local high school students. Find the link for presenters is at the bottom of the page. Email CINSAM for more info.
Please contact Andrew Spence, Manager of Public Programs and Events, at for more information and to confirm science contributions at these events.
Lexington Living Arts & Science Center Upcoming Programs
LASCLEX has STEAM Field Trips, NEW Planetarium Shows, & More! Find upcoming programs and volunteer opportunities at
2018-2019 Discovery Exhibit: Catching the Wind The Nature and Science of Flight
Venture into the realm of things that glide, flutter, and fly in this dynamic world of flight, aerodynamics, and energy! From animal structure and function activities to STEAM focused flight design challenges; your imagination will soar in this zone of hands-on discovery!
Get connected to Kentucky's Aerospace industry
The Kentucky Aerospace Industry Consortium (KAIC) has job placement opportunities for college students (2- and 4-year), veterans, and high school students. Students can join KAIC for free. Use the promo Code: KAICSTUD and join here:
Here is a sampling of opportunities available:
College – Direct Hire and Co-Op Opportunities
Mechanical Engineers
Electrical Engineers
Customer Service
Commercial Drivers
HVAC and Plumbing
Veterans – Direct Hire Opportunities
Sales and Marketing
Diesel Mechanics
Commercial Drivers
Technical Trainers
High School – Pre Apprentice Programs and Co-Op Programs
Designers/Drafters/CAD operators
Electricians, Electronic Techs
Mechanics, Automotive and Diesel
Tool and Die
Find out more at
AWIS- KY chapter advocates for Kentucky Women in Science
We are the Kentucky Affiliate of the Association for Women in Science (AWIS), a non-profit organization whose mission is to ensure that all women in STEM fields can achieve their full potential. The goal of AWIS KY is to create a local network and advocate for women in STEM in Kentucky, as well as provide career development and outreach opportunities. Join us in supporting women in STEM! If you would like to find out more about us, you can email us at or visit our website at
AWIS KY is Your Network. Your Resource. Your Voice.
Introducing Earth and Environmental Sciences at Murray State University
 The Department of Geosciences at Murray State is now the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES). Research areas of our faculty involve elements of the Earth systems, the interactions among the elements, the processes that shape the Earth's environment, and the history of the planet and humans. Starting Fall 2018, we offer BS and MS degree programs in Earth and Environmental Sciences. BS degree tracks include Archaeology, Environmental Science, Geography & GIS, Geology, and Earth Science Secondary Certification. MS thesis Concentrations include Archaeology, Environmental Geology, Geoinformatics, and Watershed Science. Non-thesis option is also available for MS degree candidates. In addition, we offer an undergraduate Certificate in GIS and a graduate Certificate in Geospatial Data Science. For more information, visit
New Book Helps Non-specialists Identify Cyanobacteria
The University Press of Kentucky recently published "A Guide to Cyanobacteria: Identification and Impact", by Mark A. Nienaber and Miriam Steinitz-Kannan. This book is written for non-specialists and will help students, landowners, and citizen scientists identify different kinds of cyanobacteria. The book provides a detailed key that systematically walks the reader through each step of the identification process.
A link to more information about this book:
Mark A. Nienaber is the sole proprietor of Algae Services and has more than forty years of experience in algae and vascular plant identification.
Miriam Steinitz-Kannan is Regents Professor Emeritus in the Department of Biological Sciences at Northern Kentucky University. Active in environmental and water quality education, she offers algae workshops for the community and various Ohio River foundations.
New Book on Artificial Intelligence
Scientific Cognition and Scientific Literacy
By Jamie Hale In a recent study we examined the association between scientific cognition and scientific literacy (Hale, Sloss & Lawson, 2017) Another primary interest was whether or not there would be gender differences for total scores for each scale. The scientific literacy and scientific cognition assessment consisted of mostly questions derived from measuring devices used in the past. The assessments were administered as part of an online survey. The participants were 202 university students. The study was approved by the Eastern Kentucky University's Institutional Review Board. The results indicate a positive association between scientific literacy and scientific cognition, and no gender differences for total scores from the scales. Additional analyses indicate there was gender differences for some of the items. There was gender differences for one item from the scientific literacy assessment and for two items from the scientific cognition assessment. The research report includes a discussion regarding future directions for relevant research, implications of learning science and limitations of the study.
In the context of our research scientific literacy is synonymous with general scientific knowledge (sometimes referred to as derived form of scientific literacy). Scientific cognition is not the same thing as scientific literacy; scientific cognition involves multiple components and sub-components. At the very least scientific cognition involves philosophy of science, scientific methodology, quantitative / probabilistic reasoning and logic. Various conceptualizations and measures exist for scientific literacy and scientific cognition; some of these are discussed in the research report. Science is a vast enterprise; it is a concept-complex. Scientific literacy and scientific cognition is important, and an understanding of the broad implications of science is increasingly important in a science and technology driven society.
Read concise version of research report here:
Full research report is available upon request-
Visit Jamie's site at
Upcoming events
Click the links to find full event descriptions.
Evolve: Driving a Clean Future in Coal Country
Village 8 Theatres
Stargazing at Raven Run in Lexington
Free Energy Education workshops for teachers from Kentucky NEED (National Energy Education Development)
Various locations - see schedule
Free Environmental Education workshops for teachers at KSU Environmental Education and Research Center
KSU Environmental Education and Research Center
1371 Little Dixie Rd
Pleasureville, KY, KY
Free Energy Education workshops for teachers from Kentucky NEED (National Energy Education Development)
Various locations - see schedule
Free Energy Education workshops for teachers from Kentucky NEED (National Energy Education Development)
Various locations - see schedule
Free Energy Education workshops for teachers from Kentucky NEED (National Energy Education Development)
Various locations - see schedule
GEMS (Girls in Engineering Math & Science) Summit at WKU
Ogden Hall, Western Kentucky University
1906 College Hts Blvd.
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Free Environmental Education workshops for teachers at KSU Environmental Education and Research Center
KSU Environmental Education and Research Center
1371 Little Dixie Rd
Pleasureville, KY, KY
Free Energy Education workshops for teachers from Kentucky NEED (National Energy Education Development)
Various locations - see schedule
Free Environmental Education workshops for teachers at KSU Environmental Education and Research Center
KSU Environmental Education and Research Center
1371 Little Dixie Rd
Pleasureville, KY, KY
Stargazing at Raven Run in Lexington
Children's Environmental Health Summit
The Conference Center at Georgetown College
100 Crawford Dr.
Georgetown, KY
Free Energy Education workshops for teachers from Kentucky NEED (National Energy Education Development)
Various locations - see schedule
Free Energy Education workshops for teachers from Kentucky NEED (National Energy Education Development)
Various locations - see schedule
Free Energy Education workshops for teachers from Kentucky NEED (National Energy Education Development)
Various locations - see schedule
Free Energy Education workshops for teachers from Kentucky NEED (National Energy Education Development)
Various locations - see schedule
Free Energy Education workshops for teachers from Kentucky NEED (National Energy Education Development)
Various locations - see schedule
KAS Science Movie Night
Western Kentucky University, Downing Student Union Room 3020
Bowling, KY 42101
Kentucky Academy of Science Annual meeting
11/02/2018- 11/03/2018
Western Kentucky University
Bowling , KY 42101
Stargazing at Raven Run in Lexington
KBRIN NIH R15 Grant Writing Workshop
University of Louisville Health Sciences Campus, Clinical Translational Research Building (CTR), Room 124
Innovations in Invasive Species Management Training
12/12/2018- 12/14/2018
Gaylord Opryland Hotel
Nashville, TN