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KAS has been standing up for Science in Kentucky since 1914! We encourage aspiring scientists, promote science literacy, give science a voice in policymaking, and recognize those who make the future brighter through scientific discovery.
Share your news with KAS members
If you have something to share in the monthly KAS newsletter, get in touch with our Newsletter editor, Mark dela Cerna.
EPSCoR&Idea Funding, Training, & News
Check out news this month from Established Program for Stimulating Competitive Research (EPSCoR) and Institutional Development Award (IDeA), including federal funding opportunities and more!
EPSCoR & IDeA Newsletter
How to Join the KAS Listserv
KAS has set up a listserv so our members can talk to each other, to share science-related news & announcements, offers, requests, questions and answers. We are excited about fostering more conversations within our scientific community!
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Science Policy Work by KAS
Mark dela Cerna, Newsletter Editor There is a lot of activity in the Kentucky General Assembly as we approach the end of the session next month. Several bills that may be passed into law are of interest to our Scientific community in Kentucky and our Science Education and Policy Committee have done an outstanding job keeping us posted! You can read about some recent developments below, straight from our Communications and Policy Director, Rob Weber.

Following the Kentucky Legislative Sessions, especially bills of special interest to the Kentucky Academy of Science and its members is just one part of our mission to contribute to improving science-related policy and science communication across the State. We are currently updating our Science Policy webpage where we can keep our members posted on related KAS initiatives and activities. Watch the page and our social media outlets (they have been very active lately so make sure you follow or subscribe!! Access them from the left panel of this newsletter). These efforts are on-going and require our collective efforts. If you are interested in contributing to any of our initiatives or if you have ideas, we want to hear from you! These are exciting times to be a KAS member!
KAS at Posters-at-the-Capitol Day
Rob Weber Undergraduate students had opportunities to show state lawmakers and others the important role their research plays in our system of education during the Posters-at-the-Capitol event on March 3.
KAS also had a display at the event and shared info about our organization and how to become a member.
More than 70 students participated in Posters-at-the-Capitol. KAS made videos with some of the students about their research. The videos can be viewed on the KAS Facebook and Twitter.
Undergraduate Summer Program: Cardiovascular Research
Application for the Undergraduate Summer Program in Cardiovascular Research at the University of Louisville is currently open but the deadline is fast approaching! The primary objective of this program is to expose undergraduate students from underrepresented and underserved populations to cardiovascular research at UofL. This 10-week summer research experience is supported by an NIH Short-Term Training Grant and is open to students from both Kentucky and out-of-state universities and colleges. For more information, please contact Denise Hughes or visit the program webpage.
Bring Nano to your Classroom: A Workshop for Middle School Teachers
NanoEducate Workshop
Summer STEM Experience for Middle School Teachers
June 21-23, 2022, Apply by April 30
This hands-on experience will demonstrate how nanotechnology has positively impacted our society and how it can continue to do so for years to come. Participants will learn about related fields including micro-fluidics, photovoltaic devices, and additive manufacturing. There will be lectures and demonstration projects that can be integrated in the STEM curriculum to better engage and excite young students. The workshop will be in person at the UofL Shumaker Research Building with its state-of-the-art nanotechnology research facilities. Participation is limited so apply early. Learn more about the program and other benefits by visiting the workshop page. This workshop is funded by the National Science Foundation.
Kentucky students present at AJAS
Featured above: CropMates, a low-cost, efficient system that monitors crop health to maximize quality and quantity of crops towards potentially eradicating world hunger. Image from Shraman's presentation.
Many bills to follow in General Assembly’s 2022 session
Rob Weber The Kentucky General Assembly has entered the second half of its 2022 session. Though fewer than a dozen bills passed into law during the first half of the session, as many as a couple hundred more may become law before the session ends on April 15.
The Education and Advocacy Committee continues to review and follow legislation important to the science community. Many of the issues the committee is following fall into one of three areas: education, health, and environment.
Among the bills the committee is following are measures on student loan forgiveness for certain teachers, limits on releasing PFAS chemicals into waters, medical marijuana, and soil quality. The team is also keeping watch over legislation on teaching about race issues in which lawmakers would specify part of what must be included in school curriculum.
Of course, COVID legislation is also a top issue this year. With several bills filed dealing with mask mandates, KAS has provided lawmakers with studies on the effectiveness of masks. There are concerns that lawmakers might take away the ability for decisions on masks in schools to be made based on science and area-specific circumstances, even if a more deadly COVID-19 variant emerges.
Of course the big issue of the session, the state budget, must also be resolved before lawmakers adjourn. With record surpluses, the House passed a version of a budget that increased funding in many areas but still left more than a billion dollars unspent. The House wants the unspent money to help the state achieve an income tax cut that would eventually lead to an elimination of the income tax. That leaves some questioning how schools and universities would receive proper funding in years to come if the state loses such a large revenue source.
The Senate has not yet approved its preferred version of the budget. But it has approved a $500 tax rebate for Kentuckians, or $1,000 for households, which gives an indication of that chamber’s priority for money left unspent in the budget plan. The House has not yet weighed in one the Senate tax rebate plan. Capitol observers say the House income tax plan and Senate tax rebate plan might end up in competition with one another since the state likely can’t afford both.
The General Assembly’s deadlines to introduce new bills has passed, so we now have a fairly complete view of the issues lawmakers will take up this year. More than 1,000 bills have been filed.
If you’d like to share feedback with state lawmakers on any of the issues under consideration, please call the General Assembly’s toll-free message line at 1-800-372-7181.
To view some of the bills the KAS Education and Advocacy Committee is tracking, click here. To see an “Advocacy Toolkit” that offers ways for members of the science community to stay in touch with action at the State Capitol, click here. Also, we’re always eager for additional KAS members to join our Education and Advocacy team. If you are interested, please send an email to
Clay Hill Memorial Forest: Call for Research Proposals
Clay Hill Memorial Forest is a 325-acre nature preserve in Taylor County Kentucky owned and managed by Campbellsville University. We invite research proposals that partner with us to use the opportunity afforded by recent (Dec 11, 2021) tornado damage. Approximately 50 acres of mature forest has been severely impacted with most mature trees broken or uprooted. An additional 30+ acres has patchy damage. Of particular interest to us are research proposals focusing on forest regeneration and associated successional/community changes, invasive species management, historic and prehistoric archaeology, disturbance effects on ecosystem processes, shifts in wildlife populations and behavior, and management strategy consequences. Other research topics are welcome.
Image from CHMF:
Projects should be consistent with the spirit of the CHMF mission statement (some exception to guidelines may be granted depending on the nature and justification of proposed research). All proposals require approval by the CHMF advisory board. Please contact Dr. Jonathan Moore, Director of Clay Hill Memorial Forest, to discuss potential research proposals.
Guidelines for proposal submission:
Proposals should be no longer than two typewritten pages and should include the following:
1. A project summary including a clear description of the project, project goals and objectives, and how the research relates to the mission of CHMF.
2. A brief description of methods and materials to be used including a project time frame, number and location of sample sites (a map may be included), collecting techniques, equipment used, etc. Plans for the deposition of collected specimens and treatment of voucher specimens should be clearly indicated.
3. A summary of expected outcomes.
CHMF has some equipment and supplies available for loan, and short-term housing arrangements can be made at no charge to researchers.
KSNH Student Grants
Natural History
Student Research Grants
Deadline: April 15th
The Kentucky Society of Natural History is currently requesting proposals for Student Research Grants, 2022 cycle. The funds are provided for undergraduate and graduate students engaged in natural history and biodiversity research in Kentucky. For more details about the grants including the application process, click here.
Image from KSNH:
KSNH is a nonprofit organization incorporated in 1943 to promote the study of nature and natural sciences. Learn more about the organization and their mission by visiting the KSNH website.
Natural Areas Research Grants
The EKU Division of Natural Areas provides funds for students to support their scholarly activities (research, all forms of art, and other non-research projects) involving EKU's Natural Areas. Funding is available through a Student Grant-in-Aid Program (open to students from any institution) and the Paul John Kalisz Conservation Award (EKU only).
Image from
The Student Grant-in-Aid Program is designed to assist with funding for student research, all forms of art, and other non-research projects at any of EKU's natural areas. Learn more about the program and the application process by visiting the program page.
The Division's Paul John Kalisz Conservation Award is intended to recognize undergraduate students from any major whose scholarly projects focus on conservation of forest ecosystems, amphibians, reptiles, or carnivores. In addition to research, all forms of art and other non-research projects with a focus on conservation, wildlife, or preservation of natural resources are eligible. Lean more by clicking here.
SEA Change Institute Learning Series
The SEA Change Institute is hosting a new Learning Series, Data-Driven Decision Making (D3M). D3M is a five-part learning series that provides higher education change leaders the opportunity to expand their knowledge of how to use data to remove the barriers that limit diversity, equity, and inclusion at the faculty and instructional levels. The series runs from April 4, 2022 to Jun 17, 2022. Each of the five sessions will take place at 3-4:30pm ET. For more information on this series, click here.
SEA Change is a comprehensive initiative from AAAS that implements a proven self-assessment process to effect sustainable change with regard to diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEMM at U.S. institutions of higher education. Learn more about SEA Change by following this link.
Science Job Postings around KY
If you're looking for a job or if you're hiring, pop over to our jobs page. Please send any job announcements to and include contact information and closing date. We have several new job postings this month that you can view by clicking here. |