Spend a couple hours virtually, with some of Kentucky's most talented young scientists on Saturday April 17. We are looking for professional or graduate level members to serve as judges for morning and afternoon sessions. Judges watch presentations from several students in a session, ask friendly questions, and assign scores.
Log in at the KAS website and find the signup link in your member menu. Thank you!
We have two orientations scheduled for judges to show you the online scoring system-
Join us at either 12 noon or 5pm EDT Friday April 9.
Photo from the most recent in-person meeting in 2019.
KJAS is open to ANY middle or high school science student in Kentucky. It offers student scientists an opportunity to present their original research to the community. Presentations are evaluated based on a
rubric found here.
Please feel free to forward this to your colleagues and graduate students!
For more information please contact
Junior Academy Director Melony Stambaugh.