January 2021: Happy New Year!

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How to Join the KAS Listserv

KAS has set up a listserv so our members can talk to each other, to share science-related news & announcements, offers, requests, questions and answers. We are excited about fostering more conversations within our scientific community!

 Opt In to the listserv:
Log In at the KAS website (https://kyscience.org/)
In the Member Menu, go to Communication / Message Boards
Click to Opt In to the KAS Member Listserv (and choose the Daily Digest option if  you prefer)
To post to the listserv, send a message to kyscience@memberleap.com

Share your news with KAS members

If you have something to share in the monthly KAS newsletter, get in touch with our Newsletter editor, Mark dela Cerna.

Happy New Year!

Mark dela Cerna, Newsletter Editor

I wish everyone a happy New Year and look forward to a more fruitful year with KAS. We start the year with the first waves of vaccinations. Phase 1a is ongoing while Phase 1b for first responders, K-12 school personnel, and those of age 70 or older is set to start next month. As we await more widespread vaccination, I encourage everyone to remain vigilant and to practice social distancing, when possible, and to #MASKUP.

Find out more about vaccines under development and keep updated by visiting this Corona Virus Vaccine Tracker from the New York Times

For more information about  services and updates in our state, visit the official Team Kentucky COVID-19 source. Again, happy new year everyone! Below we also include ways to include more science into your 2021 and also highlight some KAS activities and initiatives you can participate in this year!

Put MORE Science in your New Year!

We're all looking forward to a better 2021. Let us help you fill it up with MORE Science!

  1. Join the Kentucky Science Speakers Bureau
  2. Request a speaker from our pool of KY scientists to talk about science in your organization or refer someone to the Speakers Bureau.
  3. Share your science with the Bench Talk weekly podcast and radio show. Record as little as 5 minutes about something you'd like to share and email the Bench Talk team.
  4. Share your research in a 20 minute Bench Talk Live presentation. Check out the past presentations and get in touch if you'd like to present or if you have a topic idea.
  5. Advocate for science policy with our KAS Education & Advocacy team. We're meeting on Wednesday, January 13th at 1pm. Email Us if you would like to join the meeting.
  6. Participate in a Teacher-Scientist collaboration! Find out more at the Science Teaching summit on March 12.
  7. Scratch the field work itch: The Virtual Field is a coalition of 50+ field stations and marine laboratories around the globe that have created materials for faculty and students for virtual learning. Suitable for University level or lower level lessons. Check out a list of their videos and live events with scientists
  8. Try out new lessons and teaching tools-- Explore KAS' science teaching resources and Professional Development opportunities.
  9. Join our efforts to dismantle racism in scienceShare your ideas and involve your colleagues!
  10. Engage with us and your fellow members by following us on social media! We are currently on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. We are always happy to hear from our members.

Dismantling Racism in Science - Part 2

Dismantling Racism in Science
27 January 2021, 7:00 PM

After a terrific forum at our Annual Meeting in November, we are re-assembling to continue the work, and turn some great ideas into actions.

Join us in this important conversation! All KAS members are welcome to share your ideas and experiences, even if you did not attend the Forum at the Annual Meeting. We will be developing action items for KAS, for ourselves, and for our own institutions. 

Click here to register and feel free to invite your colleagues! We will send out more information to participants before the event, including a summary of ideas from the November forum.

2021 KCM Conference Goes Virtual

2021 KCM Conference
March 7-9, 2021

The Kentucky Center for Mathematics will host the 13th Annual Math Conference with the theme "Imagine: Building New Realities through Collaboration" virtually and free of charge this year! Registration to attend the conference ends on March 3rd. Click here to register.

Learn more about KCM here or follow them on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on all KCM events.

Kentucky Science Teaching Summit March 12

KAS members: if you care about preparing and supporting K-12 science teachers please join our colleagues in this summit between scientists and teachers.

Kentucky Science Teaching Summit
12 March 2021, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

The Kentucky Science Teachers Association (KSTA) is organizing a full-day summit to convene higher education science/science education instructors, professional scientists, informal science professionals, and tertiary science instructors.

The purpose of this summit is:
  1. To share best approaches for supporting implementation of Kentucky Academic Standards for Science;
  2. To continue to deepen our own understanding of how and why K-12 science instruction has shifted and how we can best support K-12 teachers;
  3. To explore organizational opportunities to create a state-wide approach for leveraging our collective expertise for continuing this work.
KSTA is inviting poster presentations on the following three themes:
  • Using phenomena as a structure to teach science (drive learning)
  • Explicit attention to practices and/or crosscutting concepts (using data)
  • Sense-making of how the world works.
Learn more about the summit and register by click this link. The deadline for Summit Poster Proposals is on February 26, 2021. The KSTA is also holding their virtual Annual Conference: The Future of Science Teaching and Learning on February 26-27, 2021. Click here to find out more and to register. Early registration ends on February 1.


Scholarship Opportunity for Civil Engineering

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet is accepting applications for the Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering Technology Scholarships for students who:
  1. will be pursuing a degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, or Western Kentucky University AND who are interested in working for KYTC after graduation; or
  2. will be attending KCTCS, Big Sandy Community and Technical College (BSCTC), and Bluegrass Community and Technical College (BCTC) AND who are interested in working for KYTC after graduation.
Selected students will have the opportunity to work with KYTC during the summer, as well as any co-ops that their school may require. To learn more about these programs, visit the Civil Engineering Scholarship page or the Civil Engineering Technology Scholarship page, or click here for a video about the program. The application deadline is February 1

National STEM Scholar Program

Applications are currently open for the National STEM Scholar Program for middle school science teachers with passion for creativity in teaching, collaboration, and networking. 

The program works to inspire the creativity and passion of middle school science teachers, ten of whom will be selected for the program. The next set of Scholars will be hosted by The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science and The Center for Gifted Studies from May 30 - June 5, 2021 at the Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green. Applicants must be teachers from the United States who teach science classes majority of the day in grades 6, 7, and/or 8 and have at least two years of previous experience teaching science. Applications are due February 1. Click here to learn more about the program and submit your application!

Join the Kentuckians for Science Education

Kentuckians for Science Education (KSE) is a non-profit organization made up of Kentuckians dedicated to ensuring that the Commonwealth maintains high standards for science education. The KSE efforts take four general directions:
  • ​Monitoring and responding to changes in science education in the state legislative and executive branches;
  • Coordinating and collaborating with other science and education organizations;
  • Providing educators, parents, and students with accurate and accessible science education resources; and
  • Working with the public to improve the perception of science and science education.
If you or someone you know is interested in participating in these efforts or interested in keeping up-to-date about issues pertaining to science education around the state, join KSE! You can join the organization by filling out this form.

Summer Research Opportunity for Undergraduates

Disturbance Ecology in Central Appalachia
NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program at Eastern Kentucky University
Eastern Kentucky University is seeking applicants for a summer REU program. The theme of the research is disturbance ecology. Students will work at Lilley Cornett Woods, a field station with old-growth forest in eastern Kentucky, and in Daniel Boone National Forest. This is a 10 week program running from May 24 – July 30, 2021.
Applications are due Feb. 19. More information including the application can be found at https://bioreu.eku.edu/
Questions can be sent to David Brown or Kelly Watson at bioreu@eku.edu
KAS Newsletter - January 2021: Happy New Year!