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Share your news with KAS members
If you have something to share in the monthly KAS newsletter, get in touch with our Newsletter editor, Mark dela Cerna.
How to Join the KAS Listserv
KAS has set up a listserv so our members can talk to each other, to share science-related news & announcements, offers, requests, questions and answers. We are excited about fostering more conversations within our scientific community!
Opt In to the listserv:
Log In at the KAS website (
In the Member Menu, go to Communication / Message Boards
Click to Opt In to the KAS Member Listserv (and choose the Daily Digest option if you prefer)
To post to the listserv, send a message to |
KAS Commits to Dismantling Racism in Science
Together, we can dismantle racism in science!
The KAS Governing Board is committed to racial equity in our organization and we invite you to get involved. Help us build the inclusive & diverse scientific community that we want and deserve!
Our board met in July and discussed some steps that we could take. We want your feedback and ideas. Please get in touch if you are interested in any of our initiatives, if you want to help and contribute, or if you have more ideas that can help us in taking the proper steps to dismantle racism in science. Let us know!
Here are some steps and initiatives that we are taking.
- Ensure representation on our board.
- Collect demographic data about our members so that we can correct any disparities in funding, opportunities, and/or leadership.
- Ensure equity is integrated into our new Code of Ethics.
- Set-up a grant for under-represented populations in science.
- Support K-12 education & recruitment into sciences, promoting exposure to STEM for all students.
- Develop mentorship relationships for under-represented minorities (and connect people to existing networks such as NRMN).
- Promote STEM Ambassadors of diverse backgrounds.
- Partner with science teachers to promote teacher development and diversity in science teachers and students.
- Pay attention to representation when we select speakers for our events.
- Highlight positive examples of equity in STEM.
- Set aside time in the Annual Meeting for a conversation with members.
- KAS Book club: We'd love your suggestions.
This is just the beginning. If there are initiatives you wish to see or steps you like the Kentucky Academy of Science to take to help improve diversity and dismantle racism in science, please let us know!
Seeking nominations for the KAS Board
The Kentucky Academy of Science is looking for leaders to join our Governing Board. This is an important responsibility for the members of KAS. Board members serve 4-year terms. Vacancies in 2020 include:
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Social Science/ Science Education Representative
- At-Large Representative
Full descriptions of officer responsibilities are in the KAS Bylaws. KAS members interested in nominating themselves or a colleague for these vacant positions should submit the name, e-mail address, and phone number for each candidate, and indicate the leadership position of interest to the KAS Past President or the Executive Director. Candidates appearing on the ballot will be asked for a 300 word bio.
Meet our current board members.
Any member may nominate another member. However, for Division representatives, the nominators and nominees must belong to the Division for which they are nominating.
Please send nominations by September 20 to KAS Past President Leslie North.
KAS Annual Meeting 2020 Goes Virtual
KAS Virtual Annual Meeting
November 6/7, 2020
We are looking forward to seeing you share your research and catching up with you! Join us this year for our Annual Meeting to be held virtually on November 6 and 7, 2020.
The abstract submission deadline will be October 1.
Watch out for more details at
In the meantime, check out some photos from last year's Annual Meeting.
Summer Science Everywhere: STEM@Home Guide 2020
Summer is finally upon us! This does not mean that we cannot keep learning! Home or Away from Home, the KY Girls STEM Collaborative has you covered. You can even search for activities by age level or geographic area. Check out this STEM at Home Guide. Thanks to the Kentucky Girls STEM Collaborative for bringing to us this new and helpful resource for your young (or young-at-heart) scientists!
Also check out their Summer 2020 Event Guide for a list of Kentucky-based virtual and in-person camps, clubs, and workshops for K-12 students.
Learn more about the KGSC and their other programs by visiting their webpage.
Dr. Galbraith-Kent appointed KAS representative to KHLCF Board
The Governor's Office has appointed Dr. Shannon Galbraith-Kent, Professor and Chairperson of Biological Sciences at Thomas More University, as the Kentucky Academy of Science's representative to the state board overseeing the Kentucky State Nature Preservers and Heritage Land Conservation Fund (KHLCF). The fund purchases land from willing sellers for protection as wildlife areas or other conservation purposes. Dr. Galbraith-Kent, who brings expertise in native and invasive plants and ecological research, will serve on the board for a four-year term.
Learn more about KHLCF here.
JKAS welcomes new editor, significant improvements over summer
The Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science underwent several changes this summer! We have selected a new editor for social sciences and science education to expand our reach and better serve our membership. Join us in welcoming Dr. Shauna Reilly of Northern Kentucky University as our new social science editor! Dr. Walter Borowski continues as editor for natural and physical sciences.
We have also improved our submission process. All articles will now be submitted through our electronic system that will provide authors up-to-date information about their submissions and assist reviewers in completing their reviews. Click here to access our new submission portal!
We encourage our members to submit their work to JKAS. We have a quick review process and are eager to expand the reach and impact of our journal. Additional formats other than the traditional research article are now also being accepted. Please see the website for further details.
Nominate a colleague for Excellence in Science Education & Outreach
Do you know someone who is bringing their science to a broad audience and improving science literacy? Let us recognize them and inspire others!
KAS is accepting nominations for our Annual Science Education & Outreach Award. This award recognizes activities by a member or group of members that increase the involvement, engagement, and sustainability of science in the Commonwealth.
For details about the nomination process and materials, click here. Nominations are due by September 30, 2020.
Check out past winners & find out more!
KBRIN NIH R15 Grant Writing Virtual Workshop
Bench Talk Live on Summer Break
Bench Talk Live will be on summer vacation this August. In the meantime, you can watch the recording of our July edition, Perception and Communication for a Pandemic.
If you have interesting research you want to share with us or topics you would like to see covered in our series, do not hesitate to contact us. We are always excited to showcase research happening in the Commonwealth!
See you next month! |