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Science Job Postings
Looking for a summer internship, or a tenure-track faculty position? Find them on our jobs page. Please send any job announcements to and include contact information and closing date.
Publish in the KAS Journal
The Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science publishes work in the Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Life Sciences.
Digital issues are published as Issues-in-Progress which expedites publication for authors.
Looking for Research Funding or Scholarships
Donate to KAS
KAS has been standing up for Science in Kentucky since 1914! We encourage aspiring scientists, promote science literacy, give science a voice in policymaking, and recognize those who make the future brighter through scientific discovery.
News from Partners
EPSCoR & IDeA News Established Program for Stimulating Competitive Research (EPSCoR) and Institutional Development Award (IDeA), including federal funding opportunities and more! EPSCoR is a program serving states such as Kentucky, to build capacity for federally funded scientific research.
Ky- INBRE Recent News KY IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence supports biomedical researchers and educators within the Commonwealth. The purpose of the network is to develop infrastructure and capacity for biomedical research and training in the state. Their newsletter has training events, funding leads, and job opportunities. You can also subscribe at the above link.
Share your news with KAS members
If you have something to share in the monthly KAS newsletter, Send it to us! |
Thanks for joining us for #KASmeeting2024!

We hope you had a great experience! KSU hosted a fantastic event for us!
The 2024 Annual Meeting Program is online
Thank you to our Sponsors: NASA-KY and Kentucky State University

Group photo from the business meeting Saturday.

Friday's Aquaculture Center tour blew us out of the water!

Kurt Thaxton in Friday's Plenary session.

Women in Science panel lead by incoming President Li Li Zyzak.
Find more photos here: 2024 KAS Annual Meeting Photos
and stay tuned for the 20214 Photo Contest Winner!
Watch for a message announcing the Kentucky Junior Academy of Science students who will represent Kentucky at the next meeting of the American Junior Academy of Science (AJAS) meeting. AJAS is meeting in Boston, MA, February 12 - 15, 2025.
Thank you to our Judges, Session Chairs, and Section Leaders:
Dirk Grupe, NKU; Savaingnnah Blair, Morehead; Cassie Woolley, U of L; Jennifer Clark, Morehead; Gladys Besona, KSU; Melissa Mefford, Morehead; Mark Wilson, Morehead; Madison Flory, UK; Robin Cooper, UK; Cynthia Tran, EKU; Laura Rowe, EKU; Matthew Hafley, Gateway CTC; Zeel Maheshwari, NKU; Neil Moore, UK; Nathan Johnson, Bellarmine; Michael Mihalco, KCTCS; Madhav Baral, UK; Richard Smath, KGS/UK Retired; Dan Phelps, Kentucky Paleontological Society; Frank Ettensohn, UK; Jacob Owen, UKY; Theoneste Nzaramyimana, Kentucky State University; Daniel Joseph, Eastern Kentucky University; Jerzy Jaromczyk, UK; Laura Walther, Asbury University; Matthew Nee, Western Kentucky University; Laura Rowe, Eastern Kentucky University; Nathan Johnson, Bellarmine Universiy; Neil Moore, University of Kentucky; Marvin Ruffner, Asbury University; Jessica Moon, Murray State University; Minchul Shin, NKU; John Starnes, KCTCS; Buddhi Gyawali, Kentucky State University; Walter Borowski, EKU; Dan Phelps, Kentucky Paleontological Society; Frederick Bebe, Kentucky State University; Jennifer Clark, Morehead State University; Joshua Qualls, Morehead State University; Jena Hinds, University of Kentucky; Marilyn Akins, Kentucky Community and Technical College System; John Waite, Morehead State University; Cecilia Ramilo, KCTCS; Sharon Wilson, KCTCS; Matt Downen, Centre College; Wilson Gonzalez-Espada, Morehead State University; Jeremy Gibson, Kentucky Wesleyan University; David Eisenhour, Morehead State University.
KAS Celebrates Newly Elected Board and Officers
Thanks to all members who voted, and thank you to all the candidates who ran in this year's Governing Board elections. Congratulations and welcome to our newly elected board members and officers who will join the board in 2025:
Vice President –Marilyn Akins, Bluegrass Community & Technical College
Physical Sciences Representative – Zeel Maheshwari, Northern Kentucky University
Social Sciences Representative – Justin McFadden, University of Louisville
Secretary – Laura Walther, Asbury University
At-Large Representative – Brittany Davis, Eastern Kentucky University
We bid a fond and grateful farewell to board members rolling off the board at the end of 2024. Thank you for your leadership!
At-Large Representative Scott Wicker
Physical Sciences Representative Scott Miller
Past President Julie Reizner
KAS Science Policy updates for November
Madison Flory I hope everyone had a great time at the annual meeting! The Capitol Tour was a success – I think we all learned a lot!
Also, thank you for voting. It really does make a difference, even if it doesn’t always seem like it. Now that election day has passed, we can start looking forward to the next legislative session in Kentucky and our policy and advocacy work surrounding that. Additionally, we are starting to plan our annual Science Advocate Training. Be on the lookout for more information soon!
Our monthly Science Policy team meetings are second Wednesdays at 12:30ET. Email me if you'd like to join, or if you're interested but that time doesn't work for you--
New Deadline - KAS Research Grants Are due Dec 1, 2024
We've moved the deadline- so you have more time to prepare a proposal. If you're at a primarily teaching-focused institution, this is a great opportunity to access research funds.
2024 KAS Research Grant Applications will be due Sunday, December 1, 11:59pm EST
The 12 month grant period for 2025 grants begins in February 2025
Please familiarize yourself with the Terms and Conditions for all KAS Grants
Find details about our grant categories:
- Marcia Athey and Botany Funds
- Special Research Program
- Undergraduate Research Program-- Supply grants or Summer Research Grants
- Athey Science Education & Outreach Grant
Call for Reviewers
Professional members, If you're not submitting a grant proposal this year, please consider serving as a Reviewer for grants. Sign up at the KAS website-- when you log in you'll see a signup link in your Member menu. Reviews will happen over winter break, in December and early January. Thank you!
KAS Committees give a HOOT about science
We know you give a HOOT about science, so join your fellow scientists on one of our Committees.
Our Education & Engagement team helps make connections with K-12 Teachers and in the broader community
E&E meets on the 4th Monday at 10am ET
Our Science Policy team tracks current policy processes at the state level and brings science to decisionmakers, related to issues to like PFAS, public education, nuclear energy, public health, and more.
The Science Policy team meets on the 2nd Wednesday at 12:30pm
Our Grants & Awards team reviews grant applications. Log in at the KAS website and sign up in your Member Menu.
Time to start thinking about Summer Research!
Undergradu ates- Are you looking for a paid summer research opportunity? KAS has a list at our website and we'll be adding to it. You can find one close to you, or search nationally. Many deadlines are in February, but some are earlier. Check the list and plan accordingly!
Faculty mentors-- if you have an opportunity to advertise, send it to us and we'll add it to our list
Summer Research Opportunities for Undergraduates
ICYMI- Sildes from the EPSCoR workshop
Did you miss the EPSCoR workshop at the KAS Annual Meeting?
No worries! We've got you covered. 
Find the EPSCoR workshop slides here and learn more about how you can access research funding from NSF, NASA, DoE, or NIH
If you're submitting a proposal to one of these agencies, consider partnering with KAS to boost your Broader Impacts activities! We've got connections with K-12 teachers and community organizations that can help you amplify the impact of your research.
News of Scientists impacting state policy in NJ, MO and CA
KY INBRE funding workshop Nov 22
We presented a fun workshop at KSTA

Amanda Fuller and Melissa Dougherty presented a fun workshop for science teachers at the Kentucky Science Teachers Association conference on November 9. Teachers learned about all the resources and programs KAS offers for teachers and joined KAS as free members. If you know a K-12 teacher in Kentucky, let them know they can join KAS for free and start making connections with our scientists.

Happy Thanksgiving from KAS

Thanksgiving: A time to relfect on all we are grateful for. We appreciate the community, hard work, and collegiality of KAS members across the Commonwealth.