Donate to KAS
KAS has been standing up for Science in Kentucky since 1914! We encourage aspiring scientists, promote science literacy, give science a voice in policymaking, and recognize those who make the future brighter through scientific discovery.
Science Job Postings
We have some terrific opportunities this month that you can view at our jobs page. Please send any job announcements to and include contact information and closing date.
Share your news with KAS members
If you have something to share in the monthly KAS newsletter, get in touch with our Newsletter editor, Mark dela Cerna.
Follow us on social media!
Publish in the KAS Journal
The Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science publishes work in the Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Life Sciences.
Digital issues are published as Issues-in-Progress which expedites publication for authors.
News from Partners
EPSCoR & IDeA News Established Program for Stimulating Competitive Research (EPSCoR) and Institutional Development Award (IDeA), including federal funding opportunities and more! EPSCoR is a program serving states such as Kentucky, to build capacity for federally funded scientific research.
Ky- INBRE Recent News KY IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence supports biomedical researchers and educators within the Commonwealth. The purpose of the network is to develop infrastructure and capacity for biomedical research and training in the state. Their newsletter has training events, funding leads, and job opportunities. You can also subscribe at the above link.
How to Join the KAS Listserv
KAS has set up a listserv so our members can talk to each other, to share science-related news & announcements, offers, requests, questions and answers.
Opt In to the listserv:
Log In at the KAS website (
In the Member Menu, go to Communication / Message Boards
Click to Opt In to the KAS Member Listserv (and choose the Daily Digest option if you prefer)
To post to the listserv, send a message to |
KAS Annual Meeting November 2-4, 2023
KAS Annual Meeting
November 2-4, 2023
This Just In!!
New additions to the KAS Annual Meeting at NKU.
Rebecca Blankenship
2023 Keynote Speaker
Nov 3rd 5 PM
Perhaps best known as Kentucky's first openly transgender elected official, Rebecca Blankenship is an issues-first political operative working to make Kentucky a freer, more rational place. She has worked on political campaigns from U.S. Senate down to city council. At the Kentucky State Capitol in Frankfort, she advocates on bills concerning students' rights, First Amendment protections, LGBT rights, and nuclear energy. She lives in Madison County, Kentucky.
Workshop, Nov 3rd
The Future of EPSCoR
Breakfast Discussions, Nov 4th
Geoscience Workforce (All are Welcome!)
KCTCS Faculty Breakfast
Online Registration is open until October 31! Visit the Annual Meeting page at the KAS website for all details. Click here for the Top 10 Reasons to join us this year!
Ky Junior Academy of Science meets with KAS at NKU
Call for KAS Board members
Trent Garrison Hello everyone! I am a former president of KAS. It was an honor to serve an organization that is growing and has done so many great things for the scientific community over the years. We have some exciting opportunities available right now. Are you looking for a leadership opportunity?
KAS will be electing the following seats on our board this fall:
KAS Vice President - this position succeeds to President-Elect, President and Past President
KAS Secretary
Biological Division Representative - This person must be a member of one of the following sections: Agricultural Sciences, Botany, Cell and Molecular Biology, Ecology, Environmental Science, Health Sciences, Microbiology, Physiology & Biochemistry, and Zoology
Social Science Division Representative - This person must be a member of one of the following sections: Anthropology and Sociology, Psychology, and Science Education.
Find Duties of Officers in the KAS Bylaws. The KAS Board holds virtual board meetings quarterly. Board members contribute on committees and volunteer to help wih KAS programs. Terms are three years and new board members will begin their service in January 2024.
If you have any interest in serving, please reach out to me at by October 16. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you!
Dr. Trent Garrison
Former president, KAS
Chair of science policy, KAS
Assistant Professor of Geology and Geography, JCTC
KAS poses ag science questions to candidates
Rob Weber As part of an effort to spark informed discussions about agricultural science policy issues important to Kentuckians, KAS sent questionnaires to candidates running for Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture. The five-question survey touched upon topics including soil health, innovation, technology, and education. Questionnaires were sent to Jonathan Shell, the Republican Party candidate, and Sierra Enlow, the Democratic Party candidate.
To view Sierra Enlow’s responses, click here. We have not received a response from Jonathan Shell. If one is received before the election, it will be shared online and KAS members will be informed. Kentucky’s 2023 General Election is on Nov. 7.
Oct 13 Webinar: Ky Heritage Land Conservation Fund with Dr. Shannon Galbraith- Kent
KY Heritage Land Conservation Fund Webinar
October 13th, 1:00-2:00 PM ET, Online
What is the Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation Fund? What is the state of conservation funding in Kentucky? What are our future prospects, and how can scientists and advocates help? We'll hear from Dr. Shannon Galbraith-Kent, who represents KAS on the KHLCF board.
Dr. Shannon Galbraith-Kent is chair of the Biology Department at Thomas More University, She is a plant ecologist with expertise in native and invasive plant species and communities, ecological restoration, and urban ecology. She is the Kentucky Academy of Science's representative to the Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation Fund board.
Click here to register and to get the Zoom link to the webinar.
KAS and partners to host film screening and panel discussion
Rob Weber A documentary that follows the journey of advocates seeking to reshape literacy instruction in schools will play at Speed Cinema in Louisville at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 22. The screening of “The Right to Read” is being presented by KAS in partnership with Speed Cinema and the Courier Journal.
While the film focuses on education advocates in Oakland, California, the story is relevant to people in all states seeking to improve children’s reading skills through literacy instruction backed by science.
Following the screening, a panel discussion will delve into reactions to the film and examine efforts to provide Kentucky students with effective literacy instruction. The panel discussion will be moderated by Erin Hogan, Assistant Professor of Literacy at the University of Louisville. Panelists include State Representative Tina Bojanowski; LaToya Whitlock, Executive Director of the Decode Project; Krista Johnson, Education Reporter for the Courier Journal; and Micki Ray, Chief Academic Officer for the Kentucky Department of Education.
There's no cost to attend the movie or panel discussion, although we advise arriving early as theater seating is limited.
2024 KAS Research Grant Applications now open
KAS members at Academic Institutions are eligible to apply for KAS grants. Grant applications are now open and are due on November 15, 2023!
For 2024 we have updated the Terms and Conditions for all KAS Grants requiring grantees to submit something for publication. Please familiarize yourself with the updated Terms and Conditions.
Kentucky Academy of Science awards grants in several categories:
Marcia Athey and Botany Funds
Special Research Program
Undergraduate Research Program
Supply grants
Summer Research Grants
Athey Science Education & Outreach Grant
KY Committee Adopts Seven-Year Science and Technology Plan
excerpt from KSTC press release The Kentucky Statewide EPSCoR Committee, the governing body of the state’s National Science Foundation (NSF) Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) program, voted to adopt the Kentucky Science & Technology Plan: Vision 2030 (S&T Plan). This statewide science and technology plan is intended to serve as a strategic roadmap for science and technology initiatives and to guide efficient use of resources and investments in the Commonwealth over the next seven years. Click here for full press release.
The plan was developed by the Statewide EPSCoR Committee in partnership with the Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation (KSTC) and with support from RTI International and Keen Point Consulting. Additional support was provided by the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development, University of Kentucky and University of Louisville.
Click here to view the full plan.
UK Nanoscale Center offering free 3D printing
The UK Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CeNSE) is now offering quick turn-around, nanoscale 3D printing using the Nanoscribe Photonic Professional GT system. Prints are typically less than 2 mm in size and can have features as small at 200 nm. The applications are nearly limitless in engineering, physics, biosciences, micro-electromechanical system (MEMS), STEM classes, microfluidics, electronics, and as a way to fire up the imagination of students. These prints are free of charge for U.S. academic institutions during our launch phase.
Simply fill out the form at the link below and upload a .STL or .GWL file. We will review your design for feasibility, schedule your print, and ship the sample to you by UPS.
Click here to send 3D Print Request
For more information about the Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering or to become a user please visit
Support science through grocery shopping!
Rob Weber Did you know that simply using your Kroger Shopper’s card when buying groceries can bolster KAS efforts to support scientists and science education across the state? Kroger’s Community Rewards Program makes it easy for customers to support nonprofit organizations simply through routine grocery shopping. If your Kroger Card is linked to KAS, all you have to do is swipe it when buying groceries and KAS’s annual donation from Kroger will get a boost. It’s a simple but valuable way to support science in Kentucky!
To select KAS as your preferred nonprofit, simply log into your Kroger account and search for Kentucky Academy of Science or use our non-profit organization number, IG494. For more information on setting this up, click here.
How to Become a Member of KAS
Please invite your new colleagues or new students on your campuses to become members of KAS!
Are you at a KAS Affiliated Institutions? If so, faculty, staff, and students at your institution can become a member at no cost. Select your institution from the list on our website, and choose " Professional at Enhanced Institution" or " Student at Enhanced Institution."
Check out all our member benefits and become a member here.
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