June 2023

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KAS has been standing up for Science in Kentucky since 1914! We encourage aspiring scientists, promote science literacy, give science a voice in policymaking, and recognize those who make the future brighter through scientific discovery.


Share your news with KAS members

If you have something to share in the monthly KAS newsletter, get in touch with our Newsletter editor, Mark dela Cerna.

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 KAS Channel

Publish in the KAS Journal

The Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science publishes work in the Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Life Sciences.
Digital issues are published as Issues-in-Progress which expedites publication for authors.


News from Partners

EPSCoR & IDeA News Established Program for Stimulating Competitive Research (EPSCoR) and Institutional Development Award (IDeA), including federal funding opportunities and more! EPSCoR is a program serving states such as Kentucky, to build capacity for federally funded scientific research.

Ky- INBRE Recent News  KY IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence supports biomedical researchers and educators within the Commonwealth. The purpose of the network is to develop infrastructure and capacity for biomedical research and training in the state. Their newsletter  has training events, funding leads, and job opportunities.  You can also subscribe at the above link.

How to Join the KAS Listserv

KAS has set up a listserv so our members can talk to each other, to share science-related news & announcements, offers, requests, questions and answers.

 Opt In to the listserv:
Log In at the KAS website (https://kyscience.org/)
In the Member Menu, go to Communication / Message Boards
Click to Opt In to the KAS Member Listserv (and choose the Daily Digest option if  you prefer)
To post to the listserv, send a message to kyscience@memberleap.com

KY NSF-EPSCoR 2023 Deadlines & Webinars

Amanda Fuller

NSF EPSCoR funding programs are shifting substantially and there will be two webinars next week for each of the two new EPSCoR opportunities, E-CORE and E-RISE respectively. 

Register in advance for the two meetings by clicking below. You will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to join the meeting upon registration:
Any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out either directly to JD Swanson (jswanson@nsf.gov)  Or either of the respective program email boxes EPSCoR-CORE@nsf.gov or EPSCoR-RISE@NSF.gov

Students share knowledge and creativity in KAS contests

Rob Weber

Through essays, art, and infographics, Kentucky students participated in KAS contests that gave them opportunities to share knowledge and express thoughts about the ways pollutants affect our world. The KAS contests were prompted by discussions with state lawmakers working to spread awareness about PFAS chemicals and eager to engage students on the issue. As a result of talks between lawmakers and KAS, we invited high school students to learn about PFAS chemicals and write essays about them. College students were invited to create infographics about PFAS for a separate competition.
The winners of the PFAS essay contest for high schoolers are: (first place) Evelyn Johnson, Lafayette High School; (second place) Malachi Jones, Tates Creek High School; (third place place) Natalie Butler, Lafayette High School.
The winner of the PFAS infographic contest is Jensine Crowder, Kentucky State University.
KAS also held contests for students in grades 1-5 that gave them a chance to share artwork that creatively expressed the theme “Clean Water, Healthy Planet.” The video below shows art from the 43 grade school students who entered the art contest.


The winners of the “Clean Water, Healthy World” art contest for grades 1-3 are: (first place) Snigdha Konyala, Middletown Elementary School; (second place) Karen Monzegio, Ashland Elementary; (third place) Kristina Camille Kausing, Elkhorn Elementary School. An honorable mention was presented to Viola Hunt, a student at Athens-Chilesburg Elementary School.

The winners of the “Healthy Water, Healthy World” art contest for grades 4-5 are:
(first) Carly Repass, Ashland Elementary; (second place) Yashashrin Konyala, Middletown Elementary School; (third place) Vasundhara Kakarla, Middletown Elementary School.

Calling Teen Scientists: Join a Innovation Challenge team

The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS)’ Junior Academy will be accepting applications from students ages 13-17 from around the world for the 2023-2024 Challenge Cycle. The NYAS is welcoming students who are passionate about making a difference in their communities and across the globe through STEM!

Students who are accepted into the NY Junior Academy and participate in an Innovation Challenge can expect to:
  • Build a STEM network with expert mentorship from professionals, scientists, and global peers
  • Build vital 21st century skills like leadership, collaboration, and communication
  • Strengthen academic readiness by introducing exercises related to key research skills used in STEM
  • Expand critical thinking skills
  • Expand their organization and time management skills
This is a free and virtual opportunity open to ALL interested students! Application is open until June 30th 2023! For more information, click here or email gsa@nyas.org.

Expanding knowledge through community-based science

Rob Weber

Kentucky scientists showed how anyone— regardless of background — can contribute to scientific advancement during the Louisville Free Public Library’s How-To Festival on May 13.

In a session facilitated by KAS member Dr. Monica Unseld, a team of scientists discussed community-based science projects that rely on the efforts of volunteers to make observations and share what they find with scientists. For example, birdwatchers, stargazers, and plant lovers can all add to information in scientific databases by sharing their observations through user-friendly web-based apps.

KAS member Dr. Monica Unseld facilitated a session about community-based science opportunities during the recent How-To Festival in Louisville.
Community-based science also gives people opportunities to scan online images from faraway places to help scientists locate and learn about wildlife, such as giraffes in Kenya or walruses in Arctic areas Popular apps for people-powered science include eBird, Zooniverse, and iNaturalist. Scientists also point to the website SciStarter.org as a good place for people to join a variety of community-based science projects. 
Those who attended the How-To Festival also learned about opportunities to contribute to University of Louisville research on the health of small wetland ponds in the area. For more info on the wetlands research, go to: https://bit.ly/3N355Go.

Community Science Toolkit

After the Community Science workshop at the How-To Festival, we've assembled some tools for community members wanting to participate in scientific research, and for scientists wanting to serve their communities better.  Here are are few resources we've assembled:

If you know of other good tools, please share them with us and we'll add them to the toolkit!

Kentucky Science Teachers' Association Membership & Annual Conference)

The KY Science Teachers Association is offering ½ price membership for New or Lapsed members. By joining now, you not only get a great deal, but this will also allow you to register (at member rate!) for the KSTA Annual Conference on November 3rd and 4th at the University of Louisville’s ShelbyHurst Campus Conference CTR. (Unfortunately this falls on the same weekend as the KAS Annual Meeting, but if you can't join KAS at NKU, we hope you'll gather with science teachers!)

During this meeting, you can expect concurrent sessions for all grade levels, as well as an exhibit hall with educational services and resources. The Keynote speaker this year is Dr. Paula Grisanti, CEO and founding member of the National Stem Cell Foundation. Other special guests include authors and science experts!

For more information about the conference, registration details, and session proposals, visit the KSTA website.


Science Job Postings around KY

We have several new job postings this month that you can view at our jobs page. Please send any job announcements to executivedirector@kyscience.org and include contact information and closing date. 
KAS Newsletter - June 2023