Read an article here, updated for our 2014 Centennial:The Committee on Organization appointed by the Kentucky Association of Colleges and Universities, and actively supported by 46 scientists and laymen, called the first meeting of the Academy on May 8, 1914 at the Physics Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington. At the conclusion of the meeting, a constitution and by-laws were read, modified, and adopted unanimously. The membership list for 1914 included the names of 60 persons.
At that first meeting, Dr. Paul H. Boyd, Mathematics, State University, served as Chairman and Dr. Charles J. Robinson, Chemistry, University of Louisville, served as Secretary. Officers for the ensuing year were: President, Joseph H. Kastle, Chemistry, Experiment Station; Vice President, H.F. Smith, Physics, Central University; Secretary, Garnett Ryland, Chemistry, Richmond College, Richmond, Virginia; and Treasurer, W.M. Anderson, Physics, University of Louisville.
At the organizational meeting, it was pointed out that…“Science is essentially mutualistic – Successes in one branch are hailed with delight by those interested in other branches. A discovery made in one may be the stepping stone to future achievement in another. At present it is difficult for one person to keep abreast with the discoveries and achievements in one branch of science alone. Thus you obtain, from the diversified program, the grain from the chaff.” (Trans. Ky. Acad. Sci., 1:21). Although made in 1914, those statements are just as true today.