Funding Resources

Funding Opportunities of interest to KAS Members

Graduate student funding opportunities may also be listed in our Science Job Postings

KAS research grants   are due November 15 each year - Find research funding opportunities from all federal agencies

EPSCoR  & IDeA (Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) assists federal agencies “to strengthen research and education in science and engineering throughout the United States and to avoid undue concentration of such research and education.” Kentucky is one of the states targeted for federal research funding through EPSCoR & IDeA. Find out more at individual agencies' websites:
NASA KY EPSCoR   National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Check their website for current funding opportunities
NSF KY EPSCoR National Science Foundation
DOE KY EPSCoR Department of Energy & DOE
Graduate Student Research Awards (due May 1)

KY INBRE (KY Institutional Development Awards (IDeA) Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence) offers a variety of funding to support student & faculty research

NIH High -Risk, High-Reward Research grants - 4 categories See details

KYNETIC Product Development Grant

2025 Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom College and University Grant Program. Due March 15, 2025, 12 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. 

American Association of University Women (AAUW) offers various grants and fellowships up to $30,000, due in November and December

The Kentucky Society for Natural History provides funds for students engaged in natural history and biodiversity research in Kentucky. Click here for application guidelines. Review of applications and awarding of funds will move quickly in the immediate weeks following the submission deadline (probably April- check the website)
The Eastern Kentucky University Division of Natural Areas provides funds for students to support their scholarly activities (research, all forms of art, and other non-research projects) involving EKU's Natural Areas. Questions? contact Dr. Stephen Richter, Associate Director, EKU Natural Areas
The Student-Grant-in-Aid Program (graduate and undergraduate students from any institution) provides funding for proposed/ongoing work.
 The Division's Paul John Kalisz Conservation Award (EKU undergraduates only) is intended to recognize undergraduate students from any major whose scholarly projects focus on conservation of forest ecosystems, amphibians, reptiles, or carnivores. In addition to research, all forms of art and other non-research projects with a focus on conservation, wildlife, or preservation of natural resources are eligible. This award of $500 is to recognize outstanding creative work that has been completed or that is being proposed. Although the award can be used to fund your effort, it is intended as an award outright. A Student-Grant-in-Aid Program proposal requesting funding for the project (up to an additional $500) can be submitted simultaneously.
 Although the application deadline for both is April 15, there’s a possibility to make awards on a rolling basis, if needed

Kentucky Native Plant Society offers student research grants, community scientists plant inventory grants,pollinator garden grants, and native plant restoration grants.   The applications are due March 15th.  Details here 

National Geographic Society offers various grants for research and/or science journalism

KY Ornithological Society
Offers grants for Basic scientific research, Educational programs, Publication of research, Fellowships and scholarships, and Support for young birders wanting to attend ABA Camps.

Kentucky Waterways Alliance Seed Grant funds projects in all of Kentucky’s seven major river basins, addressing nonpoint source pollution.

Union of Concerned Scientists
Science for Public Good Fund is for science advocates. Science Network members can apply to the Fund for financial support of up to $1000, to be used for advocacy actions or related events to promote the role of science in public policy, with an emphasis on understanding and addressing local impacts.

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet offers scholarship opportunities to students who are interested in pursuing Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Technology & Construction Management. Applications may now be submitted for the upcoming 2025-2026 year.  Deadline to apply:  February 1, 2025. Students who are chosen for the Civil Engineering or Construction Management program can receive up to $59,200* (before taxes) and those chosen for Civil Engineering Technology can receive up to $14,800* (before taxes).  KYTC also provides summer employment & full-time employment after graduation.  (*depending on the # of years in school). Students must attend UK, UL, or WKU for Civil Engineering  /  NKU, EKU, WKU, Morehead State, & Murray State for Construction Management / BSCTC for Civil Engineering Technology. Areas of interest include:
Right of Way & Utilities  /  Environmental Analysis  /  Planning / Highway & Structural Design  /  Geotech  /  Construction Materials  /  Maintenance  /  Traffic Operations / Adminstration
Contact: Marianne Sullivan, 502-782-4970,

Louisville Sustainability Council Microgrants for organizations doing climate, equity, and resilience work

KY Multiscale Seed Program
To expand and accelerate discovery in the areas of micro/nanotechnology, MEMS, and advanced manufacturing, KY Multiscale has established the KY Multiscale Seed Program. This program allows first-time users from the academic and industrial scientific communities limited free access to the UofL KY Multiscale core facilities to aid in their research, obtain preliminary data, conduct proof of concept studies, or for educational purposes.

Travel funds up to $2000 may be requested  by undergraduate and graduate students interested in the chemical sciences and are from groups traditionally underrepresented in the Chemical Sciences (Black, Latinx, and Indigenous). Call for applications opens in May.
Faculty Research Travel Funding
Up to $1,700 for research development at NASA Centers.  NASA KY EPSCoR has released an updated call for research travel applications to support faculty visits to NASA Centers in order to pursue collaborations, present research, and explore the potential for new research opportunities with NASA researchers.

Applications will be accepted from faculty at any Kentucky higher education institution. US citizenship is not required, however, NASA facilities may have regulations regarding visitation by foreign nationals. Meetings at NASA facilities are preferred, but meetings arranged between Kentucky faculty and NASA researchers at academic or technical conferences will also be considered.  Please see RFP-23-001 at the NASA-KY website for full details.