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Science Job Postings
We have some terrific opportunities this month that you can view at our jobs page. Please send any job announcements to and include contact information and closing date.
Donate to KAS
KAS has been standing up for Science in Kentucky since 1914! We encourage aspiring scientists, promote science literacy, give science a voice in policymaking, and recognize those who make the future brighter through scientific discovery.
Publish in the KAS Journal
The Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science publishes work in the Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Life Sciences.
Digital issues are published as Issues-in-Progress which expedites publication for authors.
Looking for Research Funding or Scholarships
Share your news with KAS members
If you have something to share in the monthly KAS newsletter, Send it to us!
News from Partners
EPSCoR & IDeA News Established Program for Stimulating Competitive Research (EPSCoR) and Institutional Development Award (IDeA), including federal funding opportunities and more! EPSCoR is a program serving states such as Kentucky, to build capacity for federally funded scientific research.
Ky- INBRE Recent News KY IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence supports biomedical researchers and educators within the Commonwealth. The purpose of the network is to develop infrastructure and capacity for biomedical research and training in the state. Their newsletter has training events, funding leads, and job opportunities. You can also subscribe at the above link.
Throw us a few peanuts on your next shopping trip
If yo  u link your Kroger rewards card to the Kentucky Academy of Science we get a small quarterly donation as part of the Community Rewards program. Log in to your Kroger account, or ask at the store how to link your card. The more peanuts you buy, the more peanuts we will earn!
STEM summer camp Directory
KAS has published a STEM Summer Camp Directory. Find a camp near you! We're pleased to report that KAS awarded more than $3000 in STEM camp scholarships to Kentucky families this year. We hope you have a super summer filled with science!
Kentucky Junior Academy of Science (KJAS)
Melony Stambaugh, KJAS Director Recently, we met on the campus of Kentucky State University (KSU). In the process of   planning this years' annual meeting, activities, and participation for the Junior Academy (that is middle and high school students), one of our topics is figuring out how to reach more students in more schools across the state. Currently, we are targeting the schools closest to our meeting site each fall and hope to bring those schools along us on our trek around the state. It has been a while since we have had our meeting at KSU and we invite those Junior Academy students to join us. If you are working on a science research project or just want to see what other students have been doing, keep an eye on our website ( for registration information coming in August. Need help getting started? Let us know and we will help you find a mentor.
Sharing Our Science: Challenges and Opportunities in Communicating STEM
Kentucky Science Trail is LIVE

Have you checked out the The Kentucky Science Trail? Our online guide to Kentucky’s scientific wonders will help people across the state find more than 70 sites including museums, stargazing spots, engineering marvels, geological tours, sites with live animals, nature preserves, botanical gardens, educational centers and more.
The Kentucky Science Trail provides descriptions and links to each attraction’s website, as well as an interactive map that makes it easy to find attractions throughout Kentucky.
Share with friends & colleagues - Visit KAS' social media pages and share our posts about the The Kentucky Science Trail
List of sites on the Trail
Free Professional development workshops for K12 Teachers
In June, Dr. Kate Bulinski of Bellarmine University and Mr. Alan Goldstein of the Falls of the Ohio State Park will team up to offer two different foundation-supported FREE K-12 professional development workshops on the campus of Bellarmine University in Louisville.
Waldron Shale Project: Tuesday, June 11th at Bellarmine University

Click here to read all the details and sign up for this great workshop!
The Environmental Stewardship Project: Thursday, June 13th at Bellarmine University

Click here to find out more and sign up!
Spaces are limited and will fill up fast so don't delay!
To see announcements and photos from past workshops, visit the Waldron Shale Project Facebook page.
Sharing YOUR Science
Melissa Dougherty Hi, KAS! My name is Melissa Dougherty and I am the new Science Communication Specialist for the Kentucky Academy of Science. I started this position in April and am excited to be managing social media, assisting with the newsletter, and so much more. My work for KAS is centered around sharing the science that is happening here in the Commonwealth!
It is my goal to shine a spotlight on the innovative education and ground-breaking research that is happening right here in our state! If you have work you would like to share, please reach out to me at so we can chat! I look forward to getting to know the membership of KAS through this position!
I am an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Hopkinsville Community College (HCC). Born and raised in northwest Ohio, I earned my B.S. in Chemistry from Otterbein University in Westerville, OH in 2014 and my M.S. in Chemistry from Miami University in Oxford, OH in 2016. I moved to Christian County, KY in 2016 while my husband, Jacob, was stationed at Fort Campbell and I began teaching at HCC in 2017. I loved my research and have several publications, but teaching and making science understandable and accessible to students is my passion. Jacob and I have a four-year-old son and two dogs, who make quite the entertaining trio and keep us busy! I have been a member of KAS since 2018.
Fostering Inclusive Excellence in Your Classroom workshop series
 Are you an educator looking to promote inclusivity and belonging in your classroom? Enroll now for the Fostering Inclusive Excellence in Your Classroom summer learning workshop series. Led by expert University of Kentucky College of Education faculty, this 5-part virtual series will give you hands-on, practical experience and tools to take back with you into the 2024-2025 school year.
Workshop topics include:
June 6th One Size Doesn't Fit All - Utilizing Culturally Responsive SEL to Meet the Needs of Minoritized Students with Dr. Meagan Scott
June 13th Active Students, Engaged Learners: Integrating and Championing Movement in the Classroom for Holistic Health with Dr. Hildi Nicksic
June 20th Disrupting Deficit Thinking: Intersectional Approach to IEP Development with Dr. Whitney Hanley
June 27th Cultivating Resilience & Wellbeing in the Classroom with Dr. Lali McCubbin
July 11th Identifying and Serving Vulnerable Students: Research-Based Practices for Educators with Dr. Zitsi Mirakhur
This is a virtual series that takes place on Thursdays from 1-2:30pm ET, from June 6th through July 11th (skipping the week of July 4th). Participants may bundle all five workshops for $200 or take workshops individually for $50 per workshop. Workshops take place on Zoom, and a computer with a camera and internet connection are required to participate. Participants will earn up to 7.5 hours or PD credit and a digital badge.
Visit here for detailed descriptions of each workshop and to enroll today!
AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships Applications open June 1
Interested in exploring a career in science policy? On June 1, STPF will begin accepting applications for fellowships in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the US Government. Fellows who are selected will join a community of over 4,000 alumni spanning 50 plus years. Applicants must meet all eligibility criteria - including holding a qualifying degree - by the application deadline, November 1.
Review Eligibility
Preparing to apply? Join AAAS for the 2024 Live Chats - a series of webinars designed specifically for STPF applicants.
Sixth National Climate Assessment (NCA6) is underway
Development of the Sixth National Climate Assessment (NCA6) is underway. The NCA is a Congressionally mandated report on climate change in the United States, published by the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). USGCRP recently released its first public announcement about NCA6, which includes a call for author nominations, comment on the draft prospectus, and technical inputs. Please spread the word.
USGCRP is accepting author nominations, comments on the draft prospectus, and technical inputs through its Public Contribution System. Author nominations and comments on the draft prospectus are due by June 7, 2024. Technical inputs may be submitted over the next several years, but earlier submissions are more likely to be considered.
Call for authors and leads: USGCRP is seeking nominations for authors with climate-related expertise in physical, biological, and/or social sciences, as well as Indigenous knowledge. We encourage participation from scientists and practitioners across all non-governmental sectors, as well as federal employees. Selection criteria for author positions will consider expertise, disciplinary background, and geographic representation – all career levels are encouraged to apply. Individuals interested in being considered for chapter leadership positions should have experience leading collaborative teams under deadlines.
Call for comment on the draft prospectus: The draft prospectus lays out the overall plan for the assessment, including its scope and the topics covered. Public review at this early stage is vital to the future direction of the report. If you are not familiar with the comment submission website, basic instructions are available here.
Call for technical inputs: USGCRP is seeking submissions of climate-related scientific and/or technical information such as peer-reviewed and other published literature, relevant datasets, and all forms of Indigenous knowledge.
For more information, please see the attached background document or join our May 9 informational webinar. The webinar recording will also be posted to the USGCRP website.
If you have any questions, please be in touch with our National Climate Assessment Staff Scientist, Aaron Grade ( Please join our newsletter to receive future NCA6 updates.
KAS YouTube features scientist growing mushrooms in coal mines