Kentucky Academy of Science News

Join the KAS Governing Board

The Kentucky Academy of Science is looking for leaders to join our Governing Board. This is an important responsibility for the members of KAS. Board members serve 4-year terms. Vacancies in 2020 include:
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Social Science/ Science Education Division Representative
  • At-Large Representative
Full descriptions of officer responsibilities are in the KAS Bylaws. KAS members interested in nominating themselves or a colleague for these vacant positions should submit the name, e-mail address, and phone number for each candidate, and indicate the leadership position of interest to the KAS Past President or the Executive Director. Candidates appearing on the ballot will be asked for a 300 word bio.

Any member may nominate another member. However, for Division representatives, the nominators and nominees must belong to the Division for which they are nominating.

Please send nominations by September 20 to KAS Past President Leslie North.