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Calling all Kentucky Physics Teachers!We hold our fall meeting in November with the Kentucky Academy of Science. If you attend the Physics and Astronomy section of the KAS annual meeting, you’ll interact with the officers of the Kentucky Association of Physics Teachers. The section moderators are the current President of KAPT, Marilyn Akins, and Secretary Treasurer, John Waite. Our spring meetings are held independently in late March or early April and include a morning meet and greet, presentations by members and students, and an afternoon workshop on topics of interest. In the spring of 2024, the workshop examined AI in the physics classroom.
Current leadership of KAPT includes
President: Marilyn Akins (marilyn.akins@kctcs.edu)
Secretary-Treasurer: John Waite (j.waite@moreheadstate.edu)
Two-Year College Representative: Scott Miller (jscottmiller@kctcs.edu)
High School Teacher Representative: Breanna Sargent (breanna.sergent@scott.kyschools.us)
Representative at AAPT: Jennifer Birriel (j.birriel@moreheadstate.edu)
If you are interested in more information and/or want to join KAPT, please contact one of the individuals above for more information!
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KAS Newsletter - August 2024 |