KAS Annual Meeting in Morehead November 10-12

Thursday November 10
5 pm - 8 pm: "Science Night for Teachers" at Adron Doran University Center
5 pm - 8 pm: Junior Academy Kick-Off event at Space Science Center

Friday November 11
9 am - 12 nn: Oral Presentations and Junior Academy Workshops
12 nn - 1 pm: Science Advocacy Workshop / Junior Academy catered lunch
1 pm - 2:30 pm: Oral Presentations and Junior Academy Workshops
2:30 pm: Networking Sessions in Sections
4 pm - 7 pm: Poster Sessions / Junior Academy Catered Dinner
7:30 pm: KAS Evening at the Space Science Center

Saturday November 12
9 am - 11 am: Oral Presentations including Themed Sessions
11:30 am: Keynote Speaker, Dr. Andrea Armani: "Traveling Through Disciplines"
12:30 pm: KAS Business Meeting Luncheon & Awards
2 pm - 4:30 pm: Oral Presentations including Themed Sessions
2 pm - 5 pm: Teacher Workshops

You can also view the meeting schedule by following this link.
KAS Newsletter - September 2022

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